Friday, December 20, 2013

Do You Feel Out Of Breath Walking Up Stairs?

Walking up stairs is a physical activity that you do against gravity. Your body really does some work and you need enough of oxygen to meet the requirements of the cells. Naturally your breathing rates increases. So you breathe rapidly and experience a little out of breath. This is admissible if you really climb up stairs more than 4 or 5 storeys. But what if you feel out of breathe walking up stairs of two or three storey building? There is something you need to pay attention to. So what could be the cause of out of breath walking up stairs?

Suffering from deprivation of breathing while you do small amount of physical work is not a good symptom. You may be internally suffering from some problem which requires immediate attention. Sometimes some internal problems don't show any symptom till it becomes severe. For instance the growth of cholesterol on the inner lining of walls of arteries doesn't show any symptoms till it is in a state to rupture the arteries or blood vessels. But they show some symptoms which we hardly notice like out of breathing on doing little amount of physical work.

The other causes of out of breathing walking up the stairs can be loss of stamina due to smoking, asthma, respiratory ailments, cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases. Besides these your weight can also be a reason of breathing problems.

Watch out if you are overweight? If you are suffering from obesity, your weight could be the cause of out of breath walking up stairs. Too much fat in the body produce cholesterol which blocks the lining or arteries that reduce the oxygenated blood flow to body tissues. As a result the person tries to breathe too heavily to meet the oxygen deficiency. It is very important to keep your weight in control.

If you are overweight you must start a diet plan for weight loss and do regular exercise. Your diet for weight loss should be planned and properly implemented. You must leave high carbohydrate foods, dairy products which include too much of fat, junk foods and taking of cold drinks or beverages responsible for weight gain. Instead of chewing chips or French fries you must chew fruit salads or vegetable salads as snack items. Drink fresh juices and exercise regularly to loss your weight naturally.

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